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Profile image for Aria


computer toucher
interested in infrastructure and programming language design

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6 Posts Posts & Replies 74 Following 21 Followers Search

got a new bike, went up blackford hill

happy solstice

Aria boosted

Great news everyone! I finally talk about AI hype. Someone finally mentioned LLMs one time too many, and the reckoning is upon us:

Aria boosted

been taking more photos recently to try and counteract the staring at a screen all day

Aria boosted

Julian: Hard work is not rewarded. It's exploited.

Aria boosted

Conrad writes about our k8s plans for the SourceHut blog:

Aria boosted

thinking of how formerly open source corporate like Red Hat or HashiCorp are migrating to more restrictive licenses because they don't want the Big 5 to appropriate their labour, while FOSS people still reject ethical and anti-capitalist licenses in favour of Freedom 0 dogma, even after being repeatedly backstabbed by Apple, Google etc. and after watching their free labour bankroll the likes of Anduril or the IDF.

Aria boosted

@tcmal -> @me