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computer toucher
interested in infrastructure and programming language design

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6 Posts Posts & Replies 74 Following 21 Followers Search

got a new bike, went up blackford hill

@antifuchs what did he do now -_-

happy solstice

Aria boosted

Great news everyone! I finally talk about AI hype. Someone finally mentioned LLMs one time too many, and the reckoning is upon us:

Aria boosted

been taking more photos recently to try and counteract the staring at a screen all day

Aria boosted

Julian: Hard work is not rewarded. It's exploited.

Aria boosted

Conrad writes about our k8s plans for the SourceHut blog:

Aria boosted

thinking of how formerly open source corporate like Red Hat or HashiCorp are migrating to more restrictive licenses because they don't want the Big 5 to appropriate their labour, while FOSS people still reject ethical and anti-capitalist licenses in favour of Freedom 0 dogma, even after being repeatedly backstabbed by Apple, Google etc. and after watching their free labour bankroll the likes of Anduril or the IDF.

Aria boosted

@ltchen @gallais @me The current formalisation is extrinsically typed, meaning the evaluator has to explicitly prove each step is well-typed. With intrinsic typing you basically get this part for free, which can lead to things being cleaner (but this is somewhat subjective)

With that said I've been procrastinating finishing this for a while, and in the meantime wasm & spectec have moved a lot, so this is more of a hobby project.

Aria boosted
@tcmal ->

automatic migration is borked, sorry.

@tcmal -> @me